Site Evaluation Summary

During the surgery rotation, I participated in two site evaluations where I presented two history and physicals, two sets of pharm cards, and an article and summary. The first history and physical I presented was about a patient with an odd presentation of cholecystitis. I chose to present this case as the patients symptoms were not the textbook version of what we learn cholecystitis to present as. I received feedback regarding documentation of specific post-operative care, including the doses of medications the patient was receiving as well as the timing of each medication and amount of fluids administered. This helped me learn the typical doses and amount of fluids necessary for a patient with a hospital course such as this one. The second history and physical I presented was quite the opposite of the first as the patient presented with a textbook case of appendicitis. Everything down to the specific appendiceal signs were present in this patients history. I found it interesting to see a patient with what was thought to be an obvious diagnosis due to the ideal presentation. I received a lot of useful feedback regarding physical exam, assessment, and plan. I also submitted a third history and physical on a patient with perforated diverticulitis requiring a Hartmann’s procedure.

During the site evaluations I also presented ten medications with their indications, drug classes, doses, contraindications, and adverse effects. I enjoyed presenting these as the site evaluator took a lot of time to go through the medications in detail, naming atypical indications that the drugs may be used for, as well as explaining the different doses that are administered in different presentations and settings. I presented many medications used for anesthesia, as this rotation was the first one where I really got to learn about anesthesia and how each medication affects it. I also presented medications used in pre-operative patient optimization and post-operative care pertaining to pain, nausea, and infection.